Tag Archives: just do it

When in doubt…

Inspirational Clouds

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
-Mark Twain

I think this is my new motto for life!

Whenever faced with fear or doubt about anything, I need to remind myself, that in years to come, I’ll be more fulfilled by the adventure of the things I did, than by the safety of holding back.

And as I look back over my life, this is unfailingly true. All the decisions I made from a full heart… the things I just “knew” and felt were “right,” steered my life into amazing places.

The times I held back in fear, inevitably produced disappointment.

So I say, Just Do It!

On that note… I have an announcement I’ll be making in the next few weeks. I have a huge venture coming up, related to the yarn and fiber industry and right now it is all in the works. I’m so deliriously excited (and yet perfectly peaceful) about it, that I’m bursting at the seams to tell you! But… Not yet. I want to get a little more progress made first!

Essentially, I’m living out my ultimate dream and fantasy and you’ll see it begin to unfold SOON!


Have a happy day! And remember…

“When in doubt, do it.”
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes


Until next time…
